Accessing S3 Gateway VPC Endpoint from another VPC (VPC Peering established between both source and destination VPCs)



IHAC who is looking for a solution to access their S3 VPC Endpoints in one VPC from another VPC in another region/account.

They have set VPC Peering in between.

Source VPC:

  • region: us-east-1
  • resources in private subnet
  • vpc peering established with Destination VPC

Destination VPC:

  • region: ca-central-1
  • resources in private subnet
  • vpc peering established with Source VPC
  • S3 VPC endpoint created

Now, from Destination VPC, the S3 VPC endpoint is accessible on regional S3 url:

However, the S3 VPC endpoint is not accessible from the Source VPC.

Is there something different that we need to do to achieve this?

1 Risposta
Risposta accettata

S3 Gateway VPC Endpoint is a Gateway endpoint type. You can't access from another VPC with VPC peering or TGW without placing Proxy in Destination VPC. S3 Interface endpoint is in private preview. With S3 Interface Proxy will not be required. Also, endpoints currently do not support cross-Region requests—ensure that you create your endpoint in the same Region as your bucket.

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