Simple web interface for dicom on S3


Hello all, i need to upload DICOM on S3, and give patients access to it to download their files, what i look for is using as AWS native services as possible, want to create ID/pw for new users, and they can download their new and old scans (so they should have access to their files only), kindly advise the technologies which i can use in aws to fulfill this need.

2 Risposte

Here's a documented solution using AWS native services which I believe meets your needs.

con risposta 4 mesi fa
profile pictureAWS
verificato 4 mesi fa

Hello, have you seen AWS HealthImaging? HealthImaging is a dedicated AWS service for storing, sharing, and streaming DICOM data in the cloud. HealthImaging is intended to make managing imaging data easier and rendering that data faster (i.e., normalized JSON metadata, purpose-built DICOM metadata search API, and losslessly encoded image frames). You may need to use some sample projects to enable your use case, or build any UI components yourself, but HealthImaging will get you further, quicker.

con risposta 14 giorni fa

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