Authentication failed using Microsoft Authenticator


I assigned an MFA to my root user successfully and logged out. But after entering OTP it says Authentication failed... Re-syncing doesn't help Trying Troubleshoot MFA -> Sign in using alternative factors gets me in the endless loop of same screens asking for captcha, then password, then OTP etc etc without sending any mail or offering another way. How to restore access to root? If I remove account from device I can forget my root for ever?

2 Risposte

I found what the problem is. I use Keepass for creds storage and use their helpful feature Ctrl+V. So this caused the problem. When I ctrl+c ctrl+v for each of these - email and password, I logged in Thanks!

con risposta 7 mesi fa
  • I use auto type in key pass. It fills in the credentials automatically without needing to copy and paste.

  • yeah, that's what I say about! Strange but when Auto-type it gets me to Authentication failed after entering OTP. But when I consequently fill in email, then password (without Auto-type), then everything is ok

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con risposta 7 mesi fa

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