AWS Amplify and XCode Swift package install problem


when adding amplify-swift to the XCode (12.3) package manager ( add package dependency ) it can not resolve package dependencies because amplify-swift >=2.0.0 contains incompatible tools versions tools versions and root depends on amplify-swift 2.15.1..<3.0.0, version solving failed. Using XCode 12.3 , anyone resolve this yet ?

posta un anno fa415 visualizzazioni
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I found a solution to adding amplify-swift to Xcode version 12.3. I picked an exact match amplify-swift package of 1.9.0. This loaded without any failures. I then selected the amplify library and clicked finish. It then loaded the Swift Package Dependency into XCode and showed it in the navigator. Hope this help someone else trying to integrate AWS Amplify into XCode and Swift.

cheers, Ron

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