AWS S3 Slow Upload Speed


Hi, my S3 upload speeds are incredibly slow, like < 100-500kb/s.

I've ran an internet speedtest and the upload speed looks fine on my end. I've tried both manual s3 web console uploads and aws cli uploads, including with configuring the max concurrent uploads and enabling multipart uploads. I've tried buckets nearby as well as far away. I've tried small uploads, big uploads, uploads with lots of files, uploads with just 1 file etc.

What else can I do to resolve this?

posta un anno fa2451 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Please take a look at this question:

Resolution Check the following to identify and mitigate what might be contributing to slow or inconsistent speeds when downloading or uploading to Amazon S3:

  • The location of the client making requests
  • The client internet service provider (ISP)
  • The client network
  • The client resources
  • The request rate to Amazon S3
  • The Amazon S3 server access logs to determine the Turn-Around Time
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