Exception during column initialization


In java getting Error: java.sql.SQLException: [Simba]AthenaJDBC An error has occurred. Exception during column initialization .Details: select columns from "schema"."table" where filter ORDER BY column desc limit 300 --877b7366-0878-4939-9c4a-a8e4f4693bc3. at com.simba.athena.athena.dataengine.AJStreamResultSet.<init>(Unknown Source) ~[AthenaJDBC42-]

On execution with AWS CLI the query is running fine. Commands used: aws athena start-query-execution --query-string "select columns from "schema"."table" where filter ORDER BY column desc limit 300" --result-configuration "OutputLocation"="s3://location/output/" --region us-east-2 aws athena get-query-results --query-execution-id bf945ce2-cfb2-4683-9f7f-24598834b10f --region us-east-2

posta 2 mesi fa110 visualizzazioni
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Error: java.sql.SQLException: [Simba]AthenaJDBC An error has occurred. Exception during column initialization

The above error usually occurs when port 444 is blocked, you may receive the error message [Simba][AthenaJDBC] An error has occurred. Exception during column initialization[1].

Please ensure that port 444, which Athena uses to stream query results, is open to outbound traffic. When you use a PrivateLink endpoint to connect to Athena, ensure that the security group attached to the PrivateLink endpoint is open to inbound traffic on port 444.

Also check for connectivity related issues with jdbc/odbc and see if networking part is setup correctly or not. You can refer the blog[2] for more details.

If you still encounter the issue after that, would request you to enable logging by following the blog[3] and can reach out to aws support with detailed logs and queryId and they’ll be able to assist you further.

References: [1]https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/jdbc-v2.html [2]https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/athena-connection-timeout-jdbc-odbc-driver [3]https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/athena-jdbc-odbc-driver-enable-logs

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