How to import route 53 hosted zone to another account?


I have my production AWS account but I want to import or sync my route53 hosted zine to a backup or secondary aws account as a backup.

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You can login to production account and run the below command to get list of records in the hosted zone in a file.

aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id hosted-zone-id > path-to-output-file For hosted-zone-id, specify the ID of the hosted zone that you got in step 2 of this procedure. For path-to-output-file, specify the directory path and file name that you want to save the output in.

Then, edit the format of file as per step 4 in

Now, you can run below command in secondary account to add the records here. aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id id-of-new-hosted-zone --change-batch file://path-to-file-that-contains-records

For detailed info: refer to step 3-6 in file:

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verificato 10 mesi fa
  • Agree with this approach. I have performed this before without an issue.


You can use AWS CLI to export your R53 records

cli53 is a open source tool that provides import and export from BIND format and simple command line management of Route 53 domains.

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