Request throttling for the Amazon ECS API


Is there an API call you can make that gives you the state capacity (used/available) of the bucket (capacity and refill rate). CloudWatch monitors failures (RequestLimitExceeded) but only once you exceeded the limit, so you can be at the 99% mark and see zero failures and then pass it without noticing.

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there isn't a direct API call that provides the current state capacity (used/available) or the current throttle status for the Amazon ECS API. The Amazon ECS API has a default rate limit, and exceeding it results in a "RequestLimitExceeded" error, which you can monitor through Amazon CloudWatch.

if you needed, you can estimate and manage your API usage by following

  • Cache API responses
  • if your application requires higher rate limits, you can request a limit increase by contacting AWS Support.
  • Implement an exponential backoff algorithm with jitter in your applications that make API calls
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