Access to S3 via AWS programmatic access -Boto3


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user (iamboto3) has full access Please your support

2 Risposte

You probably mean "us-east-1".

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Hello, I think there are two mis-configurations.

  1. region name : us-east-1 (not east-us-1)
  2. output : json (not jason)

You can fix those configuration via this command sample.

$ aws configure --profile [your profile name]

If you want change configuration of iamboto3 profile, you should update [your profile name] in command sample to iamboto3.

And if you want to list up your whole S3 buckets, then I want to notice you just onemore thing.

in your code,

for each in security_tester_client.list_buckets():

then, the results will be shown below

Enter image description here

Because, "list_buckets" API's response syntax is like below. (cf .

    'Buckets': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'CreationDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    'Owner': {
        'DisplayName': 'string',
        'ID': 'string'

So, If you want to list up your buckets then, I suggest to correct your code like below.

for each in security_tester_client.list_buckets()["Buckets"]:

Then, you can successfully list up your S3 buckets via boto3.

If you like my answer, please accept my answer. Thank you. :)

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