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The Data Lifecycle Manager does not create snapshots at exactly the time you set.
As described in the following document, the backup process will begin within one hour based on the set time.
So it could be that you checked too early, etc.
The first snapshot creation operation starts within one hour after the specified start time. Subsequent snapshot creation operations start within one hour of their scheduled time.
Contenuto pertinente
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata 2 anni fa
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata 2 anni fa
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata 2 anni fa
Another possibility is that the settings specified were incorrect and the snapshot was not created because EC2 or EBS was not the target.
Thanks, I thought of that, but it has been several days and the snapshots have not been created. No log file to review that I could find.
Is the policy status enabled? If this is not enabled, no snapshot will be created. General troubleshooting methods are described in the following documents, which you can check here. https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/troubleshoot-data-lifecycle-manager-ebs
Yes it is enabled.