AWS Bedrock - Test Knowledge base


hello, I have set up a knowledge base of my sample data in s3 with Bedrock and created the data source in the console. Now I am testing the knowledge base using the test knowledge base option in console. Using Titan Embeddings G1 - Text model and disabling generate response. Once I make a query, knowledge base returns a response but it is not complete in the console.

Knowledge base gets all the source chunks and then response in excerpt from each source. What I was hoping for is to get exact response to the query rather than excerpts from chunks that knowledge base is pulling from source data.

What modifications should I be making? Thanks.

1 Risposta

If you're not getting any generated responses during your test search on the Amazon Bedrock console, it could be because you have the "Generate response" option disabled. When you disable this option, the system is set to only retrieve documents or excerpts from your knowledge base/source data without the foundation model generating a cohesive response based on those retrieved results. Thanks.

con risposta 8 mesi fa
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verificato 7 mesi fa

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