Open Search Serverless - How to estimate Search and Query OCUs?


Hello, What would be a good way to estimate number of Search and Query OCUs required for estimating costs? For example, how many queries per second a single Search & Query OCU can handle?

posta 2 anni fa1439 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Hello, Search and Indexing OCU utilization/requirement will depend on multiple factors thus, you should test it out with your actual workload to arrive at a rough estimate.

You can monitor the SearchOCU and IndexingOCU account-level CloudWatch metrics to understand how your collections are scaling. You can analyze these metrics to determine your utilization and plug in those metrics in the AWS Pricing Calculator to get a rough estimate.

To better understand scaling, cost and other concerns please go through the documentation available here.

con risposta 2 anni fa
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