Creating Lakeformation Resource Link through Boto3 client


Is there a way to create a Lakeformation Resource Link to a database/table through Boto3 client. I am creating a database using glue_client.create_database() function. Now , I need to create a Lakeformation Resource Link Pointing to that database.

posta 2 anni fa1344 visualizzazioni
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Based on this AWS CLI example you can use the create_table() to create a resource link. Just populate the TargetTable section.


aws glue create-table --database-name myissues --table-input '{"Name":"mycustomers","TargetTable":{"CatalogId":"111122223333","DatabaseName":"issues","Name":"customers"}}'

Boto3 (Just the TargetTable section, refer create_table() for details)

'TargetTable': {
            'CatalogId': '111122223333',
            'DatabaseName': 'issues',
            'Name': 'customers'
con risposta 2 anni fa

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