getting charged on a free tier EC2


so im taking a AWS class and we made a free tier account in that account we made a ec2 and ran it for like 10 mins and we stopped it. i got saw on my cost and usage im at 100% for a EC2 and my ec2 hasn't been running? any idea what happening

posta 2 mesi fa142 visualizzazioni
4 Risposte

Hi All,

It's possible that even though you stopped the EC2 instance, there are still associated costs. Here are a few reasons why you might see charges even when your EC2 instance is stopped:

  1. Elastic IP Address:

If you associated an Elastic IP address with your EC2 instance and it's not attached to a running instance, AWS might charge you for the unused IP address. 2. EBS Volumes: If you have attached Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes to your EC2 instance, you will still incur charges for the storage of those volumes even when the instance is stopped.

  1. Data Transfer Costs: If your instance has incurred data transfer costs, these charges will still appear on your bill even if the instance is stopped.

  2. Reserved Instances or Savings Plans: If you've purchased Reserved Instances or Savings Plans, you will incur charges based on the hourly rate regardless of whether the instance is running or stopped.

con risposta 2 mesi fa
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verificato 2 mesi fa

Where are you seeing the 100% figure for EC2?

If this is a brand new account, using an email address that has never previously been used for an AWS account, then it will be in scope of Free Tier

As part of the AWS Free Tier, you can get started with EC2 for free. This includes 750 hours of Linux and Windows t2.micro instances (t3.micro for the regions in which t2.micro is unavailable), each month for one year. To stay within the Free Tier, use only EC2 Micro instances.

Which instance type did you use?

Free Tier also gives you 30GB of EBS storage (think of this as a hard disk in the cloud). How much disk did you provision as part of the class?

Check EC2 Global View for all your EC2 resources in all regions

Check your account's Free Tier entitlements here

Advice on how to stay within Free Tier is at

Also note that the Cost and Usage section on the initial AWS Console screen shows a best-estimate of your current month's costs, and also does not apply Free Tier entitlements to the figures. But when your AWS invoice is generated at the end of the month, any Free Tier entitlements will be applied before the bottom line figure is arrived at.

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con risposta 2 mesi fa


ActuallyThe AWS Free Tier offers a certain amount of free EC2 usage per month (usually 750 hours). Even a short 10-minute run can contribute to hitting that limit if you've used other EC2 instances earlier in the month.

Instance Type: Not all EC2 instances are included in the Free Tier. Make sure you launched an instance type designated as "Free Tier eligible" (like a t2.micro).

Here's a simple considerations it may get charged:

Free Tier Limit Reached: You might have used up your free EC2 hours for the month. Non-Free Tier Instance: You might have accidentally launched an instance type that isn't included in the Free Tier.

Here I provide link for costs and budgets for EC2 Service over a free tier account. Review the AWS Free Tier details for EC2:

con risposta 2 mesi fa

There are a couple of reasons you might be seeing charges even though your EC2 instance only ran for 10 minutes on a free tier account:

The AWS free tier offers 750 hours of usage per month for certain EC2 micro instances ( This is a combined total across all regions. Even if you only ran the instance for 10 minutes, if your account has used up the remaining free tier hours for the month with other EC2 instances, you would be charged for any additional usage. Example: 1.Elastic Ip 2. EBS Volumes Data Storage

Other AWS Services: Check if there are any other AWS services or resources associated with your EC2 instance that might be incurring charges. For example, CloudWatch monitoring, snapshots, or other AWS services might have usage that contributes to the charges.

Try to Contact Aws Support for More Info about Charges on Ec2

con risposta 2 mesi fa

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