API GATEWAY DEV PORTAL - Update Lambda Functions to nodejs20


I tried to update lambda functions generated by SAM for the api gateway devportal following this guide.


I tried to update from nodejs16 to nodejs20 but then the login process fails with the error below.

dev portal screen shot

Is it possible to update the functions to nodejs 18 or nodejs20 without breaking the flow cos aws sent a notification that they will discontinue support for nodejs 16 yet the portal guide generates functions in nodejs16

1 Risposta

Hi, what SDK version do you use?

If you use sdk v2, the first thing you should consider, for both performance and tech debt removal, is to use SDK V3, because then in Node18 you dont need to explicitly install them in the package.json. This means you ll have to refactor your code a little bit.


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con risposta 8 mesi fa
  • But there is no direct code. The functions were generated by the aws gateway dev portal repository through SAM.

    Unless you are saying that there is a way to modify the codes in the repository to make use of v3? Is this it? Else I am not sure this helps cos I did not write the said functions.

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