Bug? Agent Hierarchy


So, we decided to start using Agent Hierarchy within Amazon Connect. Our current path is:

Company -> Branch -> Department -> Role

Since we have multiple companies, with many branches, we figure this works out the best for us.

We can obviously add Company options like Company A and Company B, but Branch, Department, Role do not appear. And, when we click on the navigator folder at the top, it just refreshes, does nothing. So we cannot add options to the other levels.

Why is that?

posta 5 anni fa353 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte

When I access Agent Hierarchy from the left nav, I see my one existing Level 1 entry. I click Edit in the top right and it takes me to a new screen for that Level 1 entry. I click the _ to the right of the entry name and it shows me a new blank Level 2 field where I can type a name. Is that what you are trying to do? Are you able to select Edit on the main screen and if yes, do you then see the _ sign next to your existing Level 1 entry?

con risposta 5 anni fa

Yes, at the time, we were not even able to click on the actual NAME of the branch we added. It would just be white. But since going back in this week, we are able to add all the levels. Too bad we can't copy them lol But oh well.

con risposta 5 anni fa

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