Is it possible to schedule the number of instances in a fleet?


Is it possible to schedule the number of instances in a fleet? This is not for a live service. This is for development to save cost. For example, I need 3 instances to run dedicated servers in work hours. The instances are not needed at night until next day. I can manually set it up through GameLift console but it's bothersome. So I'm looking for kind of scheduler that can set up what I mentioned in GameLift.

posta 4 anni fa342 visualizzazioni
4 Risposte

Have you tried the GameLift scale settings to allow the lowest instance to be zero?

con risposta 4 anni fa

The way I've solved this in the past is to have a scheduled lambda, runs at fixed time to scale all fleets to zero if any are scaled up

First developer in then scales the fleets required up (you could also have another scheduled lambda to scale up fleets required).

con risposta 4 anni fa

Yes, I did but I manually did it. So now I'm looking for something like a scheduler.

con risposta 4 anni fa

Thanks Pip. I'll look into it.

con risposta 4 anni fa

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