How can I get a list of available EBS volume types for a particular region / local zone?


I see that Ec2Client has a method 'describeInstanceTypeOfferings' to see all available instances in a region or local zone.

Is there a similar API method to get a list of available volume types in a region or local zone?

posta 7 mesi fa356 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte


Is there a similar API method to get a list of available volume types in a region or local zone?

As far as I know, I don't think there is any such API.

For local zones, the table in the document below lists the volume types that can be used with EBS.

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con risposta 7 mesi fa
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verificato 7 mesi fa


"describeVolumeTypeOfferings" or a similar method to directly retrieve a list of available EBS volume types in a region or local zone. However, the AWS SDKs are updated regularly, and new features are added.

As an alternative, you can use the "describeVolumeTypes" method provided by the EC2 service to retrieve information about all available EBS volume types in a region. The response will include details about each volume type, including their specifications.

Here's an example using the AWS CLI: code: "aws ec2 describe-volume-types --region your-region" Replace your-region with the specific AWS region you are interested in.

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con risposta 7 mesi fa

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