IoT Core - Dynamic Object Group Query latency based on the object's shadow attribute


Why does the dynamic thing group query based on a thing's shadow attribute take around a minute to load the thing in aws iot after I change it ?.


i have a thing shadow: {"reported": {"field1": 1}}


  • create dynamic thing group by query string: shadow.reported.field1: 0
  • check status of dynamic thing group: If status is ACTIVE, return the items in the thing group; otherwise, keep checking status until it is ACTIVE.


  1. step-1: update thing shadow: reported.field1 = 0
  2. step-2: first time run lambda: list things in thing group is empty.
  3. step-3: next time run lambda: list things have data.

The time interval between two step-2 and step-3 is 1 minute.

posta 8 mesi fa111 visualizzazioni
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