Still basic translation errors : currencies, English -> Spanish, German ...


You appear to have fixed a few errors (see my May 4, 2021 1:57 PM messageID=983191#983191 post); however, there still are issues with the dollar sign translation and these issues make the AWS product un-useable in a production environment. I use your API, but it is easy to replicate the issue in online service (note placement of the '$' sign changes:

Input - English: *Submitted: $456.45 Eligible: $390.00 Deductible: $25.00 Plan, remaining balance: $220.00 Paid: $220.00 *

Result - Spanish: Presentada: 456,45$ Elegible: $390,00 Deducible: $25.00 Plan, saldo restante: $220.00 Pagado: $220.00

Result - German Eingereicht: $456,45 Berechtigt: 390,00$ Selbstbehalt: 25,00$ Plan, verbleibender Saldo: 220,00$ Bezahlt: 220,00$:

posta 3 anni fa307 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

In the current translation, the dollar signs are placed in the expected position in both Spanish and German. Note that in German, dollar sign is actually written after the number.

Here is the current spanish translation:

Presentada: $456.45 Elegible: $390.00 Deducible: $25.00 Plan, saldo restante: $220.00 Pagado: $220.00

And the German translation:

Eingereicht: 456,45$ Berechtigt: 390,00$ Selbstbehalt: 25,00$ Plan, verbleibender Saldo: 220,00$ Bezahlt: 220,00$

con risposta 2 anni fa
  • Finally, it's fixed!!! If you look at my original post at the top, AWS was inconsistent as to is positioning of the currency symbol within one translation string.

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