Not able to install latest Docker engine in Amazon Linux 2 on EC2


Is it possible to install latest Docker engine in Amazon Linux 2 on EC2?

As per this doc,, Docker 24.0.2 is the latest version.

$ sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker

When executing this command, I get

$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.23, build 7155243, this link doesn't have steps for Amazon Linux 2.

I couldn't find any article/blog from AWS on this. Does AWS deprecated Docker?

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Risposta accettata

Docker is not deprecated, however, the package for Docker is only available through extras. It is enabled by default. When new versions of Docker are released, support is provided only for the most current stable packages.

You can check what the latest supported version on AL2 is by running the following command from your instance:

yum --showduplicate list docker

At this time you can follow AL2 release notes for when a new Docker version is supported:

There's no ETA on when version 24 or <latest versions> will make it downstream.

con risposta un anno fa
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verificato 4 mesi fa

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