Make use of CodeDeploy autorollbacks in ECS service without load balancer?



CDK's CodeDeployEcsDeployActionProps specifies that we supply a deploymentGroup. In turn, the EcsDeploymentGroup requires a blueGreenDeploymentConfig, which looks like it can only be constructed if the ECS service is load-balanced (which for the record, make sense).


Our use case is slightly different. We have a Fargate service that is an SQS consumer and as a result, we don't have a load balancer fronting this service. However, the CodeDeployEcsDeployAction also has an EcsDeploymentConfig prop where I could specify canary or linear deployments.

Is there any way to pair a canary or linear deployment with autorollbacks (which seem to only be available in CodeDeploy) without having a load-balanced service?

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There is an "addAlarm" that ties CloudWatch alarms to "EcsDeploymentGroup".
I thought that using this to tie CloudWatch alarms would allow for automatic rollback even without ALBs.

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