Recognition of '1' from table filled in by hand


I use Textract to read tables that have been filled in with handwriting. In general it works great, but there is a recurring issue of Textract not recognizing '1' or interpreting it as a column separator (the table itself is printed and has a clear grid structure). What can be done to increase the reliability of Textract number recognition, especially the one?? Would a different color help? Would it help to write the '1' in European style (i.e. not just a vertical bar). Any help appreciated!!

1 Risposta

Hi BavQuant

Improving Textract's recognition of handwritten numbers, especially the digit '1', can be challenging but there are several approaches you can try to enhance its accuracy:

  • Image Quality: Ensure the scanned or photographed image of the table is of high quality with good lighting and minimal noise. This can significantly improve Textract's ability to recognize characters accurately.
  • Font and Size: Use a clear, legible font for the handwritten numbers. Ensure that the size of the numbers is consistent and large enough for Textract to recognize them accurately.
  • **Contrast: **Ensure there is enough contrast between the handwritten numbers and the background. Using a different color for the handwritten numbers, especially one with high contrast against the background, may help improve recognition.
  • Preprocessing: Before using Textract, you can preprocess the image to enhance the handwritten numbers. Techniques such as binarization, noise reduction, and edge enhancement can help improve the clarity of the digits.
  • Training Custom Models: Textract provides the capability to train custom models for handwriting recognition. You can collect a dataset of handwritten numbers similar to the ones you're working with and train a custom model to improve recognition accuracy.
  • Post-processing: After extracting the text using Textract, you can perform post-processing to correct any misinterpretations. For example, you can implement logic to identify the digit '1' based on context or neighboring characters and correct any misinterpretations.
  • **Alternative Representations: **As you suggested, experimenting with different representations of the digit '1', such as using a different style or adding additional features to distinguish it from a column separator, may also help improve recognition accuracy.
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