Savings Plan Shows 0% Utilization


I purchased a savings plan and it indicates I have 0% utilization. I'm running a t4g.small instance. I purchased an All Upfront Savings Compute plan for $0.01100/hour commitment, any Region. On the Inventory page, it indicates MTD Utilization at 100%. However, when I click on the Utilization Report, it shows 0% utilization.

I'm curious why the savings plan isn't showing as being utilized.

posta 10 mesi fa388 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte
Risposta accettata

Hi, are you running the t4g.small instance in a region that provides free tier? See

If this is covered by the free tier, then you will not see the charges till you exceed the 750 free tier hours, and then it will use the rate of the savings plan you purchased.

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Ray T
con risposta 10 mesi fa
  • Ray, That's an excellent point I'm in Ohio region so I'm probably covered by this.


If you just purchased the SP a few days ago, you might want to wait around 2-3 days for the data to start populating in the utilization report. Also, make sure you select the right timeframe in the utilization report - by default it should show you utilization data for the last 1 or 3 months (e.g. right now it's August, so by default you'd see the report for July, or May-July, depending if it's last 3 months or last 1 month...)

SPs are generally being used by your resources on an hourly basis, however in Cost Explorer you can view average monthly or average daily utilization, but make sure you select the relevant time frame (e.g. only check last few days, instead of last few months, if you just purchased your SP very recently)

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con risposta 10 mesi fa
profile pictureAWS
verificato 10 mesi fa

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