Gamelift Matchmaking ticket status flow


Hey community,

We are launching a game with lots of expected players rather soon and during our latest tests we found some confusing information. I have a question about the matchmaking status flow described here and here.

Here are the descriptions of the possible ticket states:

Current status of the matchmaking request.

  • QUEUED* -- The matchmaking request has been received and is currently waiting to be processed.*
  • SEARCHING*-- The matchmaking request is currently being processed.*
  • REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE * -- A match has been proposed and the players must accept the match (see AcceptMatch ). This status is used only with requests that use a matchmaking configuration with a player acceptance requirement.*
  • PLACING* -- The FlexMatch engine has matched players and is in the process of placing a new game session for the match.*
  • COMPLETED* -- Players have been matched and a game session is ready to host the players. A ticket in this state contains the necessary connection information for players.*
  • FAILED* -- The matchmaking request was not completed. Tickets with players who fail to accept a proposed match are placed in* FAILED**status.
  • CANCELLED*-- The matchmaking request was canceled with a call to StopMatchmaking.*
  • TIMED_OUT* -- The matchmaking request was not successful within the duration specified in the matchmaking configuration.* Note

Matchmaking requests that fail to successfully complete (statuses FAILED, CANCELLED, TIMED_OUT) can be resubmitted as new requests with new ticket IDs.

The other source actually describes the AcceptMatch flow:

When FlexMatch builds a match, all the matchmaking tickets involved in the proposed match are placed into status REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE*. This is a trigger for your game to get acceptance from all players in the ticket. Acceptances are only valid for tickets when they are in this status; all other acceptances result in an error.*

To register acceptance, specify the ticket ID, a response, and one or more players. Once all players have registered acceptance, the matchmaking tickets advance to status PLACING*, where a new game session is created for the match.*

If any player rejects the match, or if acceptances are not received before a specified timeout, the proposed match is dropped. The matchmaking tickets are then handled in one of two ways: For tickets where all players accepted the match, the ticket status is returned to SEARCHING to find a new match. For tickets where one or more players failed to accept the match, the ticket status is set to FAILED*, and processing is terminated. A new matchmaking request for these players can be submitted as needed.*

From that I get, that the status the ticket will be in after accepting a match will either be PLACING, SEARCHING, or FAILED.

Now my problem is, that after a ticket was accepted by me as a client, the status I get on it is CANCELLED and it's reason is "FAILURE_TO_ACCEPT" with the message "Matchmaking canceled due to failure to accept a match within the time out period." I am very sure that my acceptance of the ticket did go through, and the Matchmaking Configuration on AWS does not show any Acceptance timeouts.

Is there anywhere a correct documentation about the actual flow of states on a ticket? Maybe even a graph? What else could have gone wrong?

I appreciate all answers! Thank you.

Kind regards,


posta 5 anni fa249 visualizzazioni
4 Risposte

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for reaching out for this issue. Sounds like there was something went wrong since if you accepted the match, the ticket shouldn't be in CANCELLED. Can you give us the ticketId and region so we can investigate what was wrong there?

Best regards,


con risposta 5 anni fa

Here are the infos: TicketId: 594307a6-adf1-4c94-ad2b-0dd56f49cfc1 Region: eu-central-1 Approximate Timestamp: 2019.03.11-14.06.13

Thanks for looking into it!

con risposta 5 anni fa

Any news on the ticket status? Is this a possible outcome I have to implement in my client?

con risposta 5 anni fa


How is it looking so far?

con risposta 5 anni fa

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