CodeDeploy's Automatical copy of Autoscaling Group not copying load balancers.



I have an autoscaling group that I have set with 3 load balancers(1 Application(80 redirected to 443, 443 forwarded to 80, and 2 Network). There is a code deploy that uses the Automatic copy autoscaling group. When the code deploy has completed the new autoscaling group has lost all 3 load balancers that were originally attached and none are attached anymore. If i attach just the 1 ALB it copies over fine. Any suggestions on why this might be happening?


  • Are you using Blue/Green deployment?

  • Yes its a blue/green deployment. When it creates the new autoscaling group it doesn't copy the load balancers over.

1 Risposta
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Hello, Greetings for the day !

In order to better understand the issue you are facing, your current Deployment and AutoScaling configuration settings needs to be reviewed so that the same scenario can be replicated. Hence I request you to open a Support case with AWS Premium Support so that further troubleshooting can be done on this.

con risposta 9 mesi fa

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