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- check that the file 'entrepreneurship/tuyyo' actually exists in your S3 bucket under the correct path. Typos in the URL can lead to this error.
- Check your policy contains
- tuyyo is file should NOT be a FOLDER
- If you've restricted your S3 bucket to only allow access through CloudFront, you'll need an OAI associated with your distribution, and your bucket policy must grant the OAI read permissions.
- Temporary The direct URL would look something like https://your-bucket-name.s3.amazonaws.com/entrepreneurship/tuyyo. If this works, the issue is likely with CloudFront.
try those points and let me know if you still have issues
Hello, well I'll tell you:
The file or path entrepreneurship/tuyyo does not exist because it is a browser path of my Flutter application, with which I will later load using the rest API, I take the pathParam {tuyyo} to load the specific information of the page . The s3:GetObject policy is configured correctly Server encryption is Server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3) I have access to S3 as public
I don't know what change there is
con risposta 9 mesi fa
Contenuto pertinente
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata 6 mesi fa
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata 4 anni fa
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata un anno fa
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata un anno fa
Hello, well I'll tell you:
I don't know what change there is