Clone Failed SageMaker MLOps Project Using Third-party Git Repos


I'm trying to use MLOps template for model building, training, and deployment with third-party Git repositories using CodePipeline in my ML project. I created the project successfully using the template and all the seed code is available in the GitHub repos I specified. But when I try to clone the repo, I am getting the below error

Enter image description here

I see that the local path that has been specified in

No such file or directory: '/home/sagemaker-user/home/sagemaker-user/cat-ml-test-1-p-mtd5ofsbdgva/sagemaker-p-mtd5ofsbdgva-modeldeploy'

does not sound quite right. But there's is no option to change the local path by myself also.

How can I solve this? Any leads are welcome TIA

1 Risposta

Hi there! Have you seen this documentation - How are you trying to clone the repo? Is this within Sagemaker studio? Have you tried to use the navigation bar which has git? Git Clone

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