RDS SQL Server - Using MSDN licenses


A customer would like to know if he can use MSDN licenses for RDS SQL Server Enterprise Edition for a non-production Multi-AZ instance. If it matters, the version they want to use is 10.50.6000.34.v1. They are open to using db.r3 or db.m4 instance types (preferably db.r3). Is this possible?


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Hi, I'm afraid not. BYOL with RDS for SQL Server supports License Mobility through Microsoft Software Assurance. If they want to use MSDN licenses they would need to use EC2 Dedicated Instances or Dedicated Hosts.

This FAQ contains more answers you may find helpful.

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con risposta 7 anni fa
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  • This has since changed, and these days you cannot use Dedicated hosts with existing MSDN licensed products that do not have mobility right, unless they were purchased perpetually (not as a subscription) prior to Oct 2019)


There have been changes to Microsoft Licensing both for MSDN on dedicated hosts and BYOL with RDS for SQL Server. Please see the MSDN specific section of the FAQ for: https://aws.amazon.com/windows/faq/#licensing-msdn

Sadly, Microsoft has ended the arrangement under which AWS was offering the Amazon RDS for SQL Server BYOL program. Amazon RDS for SQL Server currently can only be licensed under/by AWS.

con risposta 3 anni fa
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