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Are you asking about the problem where the triangles are marked?
I don't think those two records are what AWS tells you to set.
Therefore, it is difficult to solve the problem, but as a hint, the MX record may not be pointed to the A record, or the A record may not have been defined.
Contenuto pertinente
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata un mese fa
No. AWS is asking me to add some entries to the DNS. I've already done it but it keeps telling me it can't find them
I need help understanding the problem correctly.
AWS has instructed you to create the two records in the image below. Right?
The problem is that you have to look at two records instructed by AWS?
For example, do you mean you cannot get "feedback-smtp.us-west-2.amazonses.com" by running the command below?
I thought there was a problem with the following two records, but that has nothing to do with your question?
This is what dig command returns
boletin.<DOMAIN>. 286 IN MX 10 feedback-smtp.us-west-2.amazonses.com. boletin.<DOMAIN>. 286 IN MX 10 _dc-mx.b70103544e29.boletin.<DOMAIN>.
Don't know where that second line is. Can't see it in Cloudflare Dns and Route 53
Amazon didn't tell me what the exact error is
I see that the reason for not passing the AWS verification is that two MX records are set for
Thanks for that. I already deleted the other MX and now need to wait