Pinpoint Voice channel cannot be enabled



Was trying to use Pinpoint Voice channel but no success. When I try to send something via it I get: PERMANENT_FAILURE VOICE channel not found. Please enable the VOICE channel for this application XXXX and in the AWS UI I see it disabled. Enter image description here

The AWS support recommended to enable it using API as it, somewhy, can't be done in the UI (thanks to AWS developers). But when I try to do so using Java Amazon SDK I get this error: com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException: Unable to unmarshall exception response with the unmarshallers provided (Service: AmazonPinpoint; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: XXXX; Proxy: null)

Please, help to enable the Voice channel, Regards

1 Risposta

Have you tried enabling the voice channel using the AWS CLI? I was able to enable it for one of my Pinpoint projects by using the following command:

aws pinpoint update-voice-channel \
  --application-id <appId> \
  --voice-channel-request Enabled=true
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