Elasticache Cloudformation Bug Report


I have a cloudformation stack that creates an Elasticache CacheCluster and then an Elasticache ReplicationGroup. When the ReplicationGroup is created, the CacheCluster is deleted and the ReplicationGroup replaces it. However, if you delete the ReplicationGroup, Cloudformation believes your CacheCluster still exists when in fact it doesn't. This makes your Cloudformation stack inconsistent and operations will fail saying the resource does not exist.

Just wanted to report this bug.

1 Risposta

Thanks for pointing out. You can also do the following

  1. Open a support ticket and provide the details of the steps you mentioned with supporting files or
  2. https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/cloudformation-coverage-roadmap/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md or
  3. Go to the page https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-elasticache-replicationgroup.html and at the bottom click "Provide feedback"
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