athena complex query result internal error


Hi, I'm trying to build a quite complex query that runs on some views and if i get a couple of join it ends in this error [HY000][100071] [Simba]AthenaJDBC An error has been thrown from the AWS Athena client. [ErrorCode: INTERNAL_ERROR_QUERY_ENGINE] Amazon Athena experienced an internal error while executing this query. Please contact AWS support for further assistance. You will not be charged for this query. We apologize for the inconvenience. [Execution ID: ce2b6f7e-0ea3-49fe-9ae8-1eb6ecae40e7]

it join essentialli 3 view that make some calculation. first view alone takes 43Seconds to run second view takes 25 seconds and third view takes again 42 seconds to run...

if i join them it end in this error.. some advise?

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