If I get customer's usage data 24-48 hours later when their CUR gets to their account, How can I send the metering record within one hour?

  1. If I get customer's usage data 24-48 hours later when their CUR gets to their account, How can I send the metering record within one hour?

  2. if Last metering record is accepted at Last day of month 23:00 hours , how can I bill for 23:00 to 23:59 hours

  3. What is the process to issue refund or a credit to a customer if I have billed them incorrectly via the metering service?

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1 Risposta

Hello from the AWS Marketplace Seller Operations team. One way of sending metering records every hour is to record a quantity of 0 if there is no usage to report for that hour. You can find further details in the metering for usage : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/marketplace/latest/userguide/metering-for-usage.html

Regarding the refund for incorrectly billed usage you can refer to the Software metering refunds section under this guide- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/marketplace/latest/userguide/refunds.html

If you have further questions, we request that you please fill out the Contact Us form, so we can provide direct support in order to resolve this issue.

Additional information may be required, we will reach out directly once you have submitted the request.

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