How to detect passwords using Amazon Macie?


It looks like passwords are not one of the managed identifiers. Is there a recommendation for how to create a custom identifier that has a good balance of false positives and false negatives?

I see an SO answer with many RegEx examples for passwords: I guess this could be combined with Macie's custom identifiers capability of only showing results that have a certain word within a certain proximity.

Just trying to see what has given other people success?

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A custom data identifier is a set of criteria that you define to detect sensitive data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) objects. The criteria consist of a regular expression (regex) that defines a text pattern to match and, optionally, character sequences and a proximity rule that refine the results.

With custom data identifiers, you can define detection criteria that reflects your organization's particular scenarios. If you configure sensitive data discovery jobs or automated sensitive data discovery to use these identifiers, you can analyze S3 objects in a way that supplements the managed data identifiers that Amazon Macie provides.

Reference :

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