AWS Chatbot inital Setup / Organization Feature


Hi, does anyone know if theres an hidden API or a workaround to do the initial setup for AWS Chatbot automatically. Background information we want to user AWS Chatbot in an big AWS orgnaization with hundrets of AWS Accounts, i want to configure AWS Chatbot, trough AWS CDK and i dont want to do the initial AWS Chatbot setup in all accounts manually, even a Organization Feature would be helpful in this case.

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3 Risposte

Currently, it is possible to tie SNS topics and Slack channels to AWS Chatbot with CDK and CloudFormation.

However, you will need to manually do the work up to Step 1 of 5 in the following document, which gives Slack workspace access to your AWS account.

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Hi Riku, i know that i can do that manually, but i don't have time to do that in hundrets of AWS Accounts, so it would be nice to have either a AWS Organisation Feature to do that once, or as Werner Vogels is saying - "work backwards from their use cases. And then come up with a minimal and simplest form of API that you can actually offer" - that AWS is giving us a 100% automation approach for that :)

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Unfortunately, there should be no way to automate this process at present.

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