S3 stopped working (API, AWS console, can't access anything).


For some reason, S3 just stopped working. Now I can't even list buckets, even using my root account, this applies to both API and UI console as well. If I'll try to do this:

$ aws s3 ls An error occurred (NotSignedUp) when calling the ListBuckets operation: Your account is not signed up for the S3 service. You must sign up before you can use S3

I'm getting this error. If I'll try to list bucket that I know was existed before, I'm getting this:

$ aws s3 ls s3://somebucket/

An error occurred (AllAccessDisabled) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: All access to this object has been disabled

If I'll try to access S3 UI console, I'm getting Page 404, if I'll fiddle with S3 UI URL a bit I can open certain pages, but these return Uknown Error. Here's a screenshot: https://imageupload.io/zrOwu0VCuxOFnrQ

I'm also getting the same errors if I'll attempt to create a new bucket and I can't access data inside buckets as well. Some buckets hosting live sites, via cloudfront, all these sites a down now and return page 403, Access denied.

And I'm observing all these issues even when doing API requests via root account, meanwhile I can see that none of the IAM policies have been changed, and they worked fine for a long time.

Can somebody help me with that, or at least help me access my data.

  • Hey, just wanted to say that it looks like now my issue has been solved. Today I discovered that suddenly S3 just started to work again, sites that weren't working were working, and I could list my own S3 buckets and so on. When I wrote about this issue to the support, the only response that I got from support was the link to S3 documentation regarding permissions, also they claimed that they reported my issue to the other team, but afterward I didn't get any updates. So even, now, I'm not aware if something like this could repeat. I'm quite concerned about this, since because of this issue, multiple resources have been down for more than a week, and this hasn't been even acknowledged by anyone.

  • Just got an update from AWS support team:

    I am following up on behalf of my colleague ******, who is out of the office today. He kindly asked me to monitor this case so that there is no delay in our communication with you.
    We received an update from the service team that there was a minor glitch in the back end which was fixed immediately and you're now able to access the resources. The service team have assured that this won't occur again in the future as they've taken the necessary steps to resolve this.
    Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience that this may have caused. If you experience any difficulty or have other queries, do not hesitate to let us know. Customer Satisfaction has always been our top priority and we're here to help.
    Thank you very much for your understanding and valued support of AWS.

    My 2 cents, it wasn't very "immediate", but at least it some kind of update. Also, want to say thanks to everyone, who tried to help.

1 Risposta

my suggestion is to contact support as your account may need to re opt into the basic free tier

Also check if this link helps: https://portal.aws.amazon.com/billing/signup?type=resubscribe#/resubscribed

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con risposta 7 mesi fa
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verificato 7 mesi fa
  • Thanks for your answer, I've tried this link before posting this question and just tried it again and unfortunately, everything still the same, I can't access my S3 buckets. I also don't think it's related to Free Tier, since I have been an AWS customer for a long time, and Free Tier on S3 expired long ago (like 7 years ago) and I've been paying for data stored there. The only Free Tier service that I'm using, AFAIK is SQS, but it's working just fine, here's also a screenshot from Free Tier page in a billing: https://imageupload.io/B2cOH43ACmsEwyq .

    I've also tried contacting to AWS support, but I have only a Basic support plan, but I filled it as Account issue, since IMHO while I can log into AWS console, I can't access portion of this console (even with a root account).

  • If you have an issue with your AWS account, you can open a support case even with the basic plan. Please try opening a case under "Account and billing". https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awssupport/latest/user/case-management.html

  • Thanks @Riku_Kobayashi, but as I said, that's something that I already did before creating this post, and filled it as Account issue since it didn't fit to any other issue that I could fill. I'm still awaiting a response from support.

    Meanwhile, I've managed to find something that looks very similar to my issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/17mo19h/amazon_s3_signup_4040/ Because, when I press on S3 link in an AWS Console, it sends me https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/console/signup which is returning Page 404 for me, just like in that post, and my issue started at the same time when this post was posted. If I go to https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/home?region=eu-central-1 it also redirects to that page, that returns 404.

    Anyway, I guess I don't have any other options aside from waiting for a response from support, and thanks again.

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