Stuck "snapshotting"


I have a Windows VM and I wanted to upgrade it and to do so followed the instructions here:

However, it's been stuck for over an hour saying "Snapshotting..." - I don't know what I can do at this point to get it working again. If I try to start the instance it says "You cannot start an instance while it is in transition."

Edited by: GHH on Dec 3, 2020 4:05 PM

posta 4 anni fa265 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte

No sooner do I post that and then it completes. The instructions said it takes a few minutes which is why I thought after over an hour something was wrong.

con risposta 4 anni fa

It’s just the computer trying to drive you crazy.

FWIW: I think snapshot speed depends on the disk & memory size.

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David G
con risposta 4 anni fa

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