aws cloudtrail not showing detailed error message for 'access denied' error


hi AWS: I am troubleshooting an 'access denied' event in cloud trail. According to my research online, the cloudtrail error message is supposed to give details on what specific permission is lacking, such as this "User: arn:aws:iam::account:user/username is not authorized to perform: cloudtrail:LookupEvents with an explicit deny in an identity-based policy".

However, when I look at my event in cloudtrail lake, the only message in the error message column is 'Access Denied'. Is there any additional config I need to change to see details of the error?

here is my query: select errorMessage from mydatastoreID where errorCode ='AccessDenied' and requestID= myrequestID

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I would do "select *" and have a look at the other fields.

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