Is Aurora sure distribution Reader request across the entire Reader instance?


I have a cluster of 3 instances (1 master Writer instance and 2 Reader instances db.r5.large), recently due to running a promotion for a short time. so I added 1 Reader instance db.r5.4xlarge for a short time (4h) for each campaign announcement. I noticed that the Reader request is only going to the 2 previously existing Reader instances and the request is not being loaded to the Reader instance db.r5.4xlarge for a long time. I'm wondering why and is there something missing in the configuration when adding the Reader instance?

posta 2 anni fa577 visualizzazioni
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According to the documentation, Using the reader endpoint:

"The reader endpoint load-balances connections to available Aurora Replicas in an Aurora DB cluster. It doesn't load-balance individual queries. If you want to load-balance each query to distribute the read workload for a DB cluster, open a new connection to the reader endpoint for each query."

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con risposta 2 anni fa
  • yes, thank for you comment. I connect using Reader endpoint of Cluster. but i see when 2 Reader instances db.r5.large are available before,that CPU reaches >99%, the request is still not being loaded to the Reader instance db.r5.4xlarge I just added.

  • So, new connections are not being load balanced?

  • Yes, That's right. I noticed the request pointed to the old instance instead of the new instance. so my system was paralyzed because the request didn't reach the new instance. What do you think about this, do I need to open case support with AWS Support?

  • Yes, if new connections are not being balanced correctly, I would open a support case.

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