Unable to Connect to EC2 instance after upgrading from Windows Server 2012 r2 to 2016


How do we resolve an OS level network issue in our EC2 instance? We can see from instance snapshot that the server has booted to windows and the network icon in bottom right has a red x on it. Both inbound/outbound secgroup verified to be allowed and unable to connect thru fleet manager. Prior upgrade, we can remote via RDP and thru fleet manager/session manager.

Screenshot of the actual status of the server for reference. Enter image description here

posta un anno fa529 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte


Have you confirmed that SSM Agent is running after updating the OS?
Also, if it is running, check the SSM Agent log to see if any errors are output that can help identify the cause.

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con risposta un anno fa

SSM went erratic also after the upgrade reboot. We've retried the upgrade process for 5times. same result. Uninstalled telnet and AV. Still the same result.Enter image description here

con risposta un anno fa

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