debugging 'invalid_request' on TOKEN endpoint


I have set up a new User Pool with an App Client:

  • no App client secret

Under App Integration I have:

  • enabled Cognito User Pool
  • provided Callback URL(s)
  • enabled Authorization code grant
  • Allowed OAuth Scopes: email, opened

In my app I call the LOGIN endpoint:${AUTH_CLIENT_ID}&state=${state}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=${AUTH_CALLBACK_URI}

When I get back the code from the redirect I call the TOKEN endpoint:

const config = {  
    headers: {  
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'  

const data = {  
    "grant_type": "authorization_code",  
    "client_id": AUTH_CLIENT_ID,  
    "code": code,  
    "redirect_uri": AUTH_CALLBACK_URI  
const response = await'', data, config)  

From the above request, I get a 400 invalid_request response with no details.

There are no logs I can find for Cognito with any more details.
There are no CloudTrail events with any more details

As far as I can tell after checking several times the request is valid.

I've tried setting the same app but with a client_secret and Authorization basic base64 header, but get the same invalid_request response.

What's wrong with this request? How do I debug this request without any info??

posta 3 anni fa4023 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Figured out the POST body isn't JSON but a query string format:

// redirect the user to this URI  
function getAuthUri() {  
	const state = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex')  
	const uri = `${AUTH_DOMAIN}/login?client_id=${AUTH_CLIENT_ID}&state=${state}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=${AUTH_CALLBACK_URI}`  
	return uri  

// after extracting the code from the authentication redirect (to AUTH_CALLBACK_URI), use this to get the access token  
async function getAccessToken(code) {  
	const config = {  
		headers: {  
			'Authorization': 'Basic ' _ Buffer.from(AUTH_CLIENT_ID _ ':' + AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET).toString('base64'),  
			'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'  

	const body = `grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=${AUTH_CLIENT_ID}&code=${code}&redirect_uri=${AUTH_CALLBACK_URI}`  

	try {  
		const response = await`${AUTH_DOMAIN}/oauth2/token`, body, config)  
	catch (err) {  
		throw err  

// use the access token  
async function getUser(accessToken) {  
	const config = {  
		headers: {  
			Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`  

	const response = await axios.get(`${AUTH_DOMAIN}/oauth2/userInfo`, config)  
	const user =  
	return user  
con risposta 3 anni fa
  • i have encountered same invalid_request error and applied your answer but still getting the same error.

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