nodejs10.x Lambda Env != Amazon Linux 2 AMI Env


The shared libraries available in /lib64 are not the same when using a live lambda, compared to testing with the Amazon Linux 2 AMI provided in the docs: amzn2-ami-hvm-2.0.20190313-x86_64-gp2

For example, /lib64/ exists in the AMI, but not in a live lambda environment.

How can we compile binaries without an accurate testing environment?

posta 5 anni fa336 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta
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The AMIs have a lot of differences from the Lambda environment in our experience. Try testing/compiling on the lambci Docker images, they're created from real Lambda environments and have always worked in our experience.

con risposta 5 anni fa
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verificato 2 mesi fa

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