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Here's a reference to create a kinesis data stream via CDK: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/v2/docs/aws-cdk-lib.aws_kinesis-readme.html
con risposta un anno fa
I get the sense that you might not fully understand Kinesis. Honestly, there’s not much to it and no real code to speak of. You configure what you want to stream to Kinesis like agent events or CTRs and then you configure Kinesis to deliver that somewhere, hold the data for x period, etc.
con risposta un anno fa
Contenuto pertinente
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata 8 mesi fa
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata 2 anni fa
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata un anno fa
- AWS UFFICIALEAggiornata un anno fa
Yep I understand Kinesis, but integrating it with the existing infrastructure where some of which is manually deployed has been a challenge.
Right now I can't even create a IAM role for Kinesis through cdk to manually deploy the streams through console.