To schedule AWS Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C03) for future date



I am planning to schedule an exam i.e. SAA-C03 in the end of June 2023 but I am only able to schedule for the current date not for the future date. I have attached the screenshot for the same. Enter image description here

Also I am not able to see the option Schedule with PSI as the last date for the option was 31st December, 2022. I have checked following this blog post

Can you please help how to schedule the exam for future date as you know it is a costly exam?


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2 Risposte

The date listed isn’t the date the exam is for. It’s the date it’s eligible. I think because the security exam has been refreshed today as there’s a new version they have just been refreshed.

Click schedule on the right and it will take you to the VUE test centre where you can choose the location and date you wish to take the exam.

As for PSI, you can’t book after December 2022 as per post. We are in 2023 now :-)

From 1st January this year it’s VUE testing only.

I just logged into my account and recieved this message when trying to schedule my next

Please be aware eligibilities for pre-approved exams may be delayed. We have automatically updated your account to be prioritized. Please log out of your account and try again in 10 minutes.

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