Need help on CloudQuest Cloud Data Warehouse LAB


on this lab I have created a materialized view as following:

by player (mv_players_purchases_amount)-

SELECT as Id, as Name, '$'||SUM(g.purchases) as Total_Purchases FROM players_schema.players_data p, players_schema.games_data g WHERE p.game_details = GROUP BY,

how do I query the created materialized view to find the total purchases by a player with id 12345. Now I have queried FROM players_schema.players_data p, players_schema.games_data g but I cannot do it FROM by player (mv_players_purchases_amount)... I get an error stating The redshift statement failed. Review it and try again!....

please if anyone out there can help, I would appreciate it.

  • This is really a Redshift question, don't see why you have the Athena and Glue tags. Test the materialized view query by itself.

  • yes I have tried the materialized view but it states that Total_Purchases is not queried by the mv_players_purchases_amount... when I query with mv_players_purchases - it works but somehow with _amount it doesn't work. ugh

  • how would the query go ? has anyone out there done this Cloud Data warehouse Lab on cloud quest under Data Analytics please help.

    Update: it gives me and ERROR: column "total_purchases" does not exist in mv_players_purchases_amount

  • You need to provide more details with a reproducible test case. It should include the DDL for the tables and materialized view and include the SQL query you are executing with the error message.

posta un anno fa276 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

I had a similar issue that was actually a typo, particularly with the word "purchases" vs "purchase". Double check your spelling of the table and the query to confirm.

con risposta 9 mesi fa

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