Nodes are "Never reported" in Patch Manager, was working in the past, no errors can be found.


We can see from the log that there is no error and the ports are uploaded.

7/29/2023 18:04:58 root [INFO]: Downloading payload from
07/29/2023 18:04:59 root [INFO]: Attempting to import entrance file os_selector
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Running with snapshot id = 844701c1-40a3-4e96-9b9f-044b4c2810ca and operation = Install
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Instance Id: i-0b30ac178427ba81f
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Region: ca-central-1
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Product: AmazonLinux2
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Patch Group: Prod-V4
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Operation type: Install
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Snapshot Id: 844701c1-40a3-4e96-9b9f-044b4c2810ca
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Patch Baseline: {u'approvedPatchesEnableNonSecurity': False, u'baselineId': u'pb-0e361d625a5f7789d', u'name': u'V4-Prod-Default-Baseline', u'modifiedTime': 1658982765.712, u'description': None, u'rejectedPatches': [], u'globalFilters': {u'filters': []}, u'sources': [], u'approvalRules': {u'rules': [{u'enableNonSecurity': True, u'filterGroup': {u'filters': [{u'values': [u'*'], u'key': u'SEVERITY'}]}, u'approveAfterDays': 7, u'complianceLevel': u'HIGH', u'approveUntilDate': None}]}, u'createdTime': 1631712589.673, u'rejectedPatchesAction': u'ALLOW_AS_DEPENDENCY', u'approvedPatchesComplianceLevel': u'UNSPECIFIED', u'operatingSystem': u'AMAZON_LINUX_2', u'approvedPatches': [], u'accountId': u'REDACTED'}
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Reboot Option: RebootIfNeeded
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Unable to initialize exit code reporting: No metrics ID from server
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: Checking if it is a Patch Policy execution.
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [INFO]: This execution has been identified as a Patch Classic execution.
07/29/2023 18:05:00 root [WARNING]: Unable to gain necessary access for possible kernel updates, code: 1.
07/29/2023 18:05:01 root [INFO]: Loading patch snapshot from snapshot.json
07/29/2023 18:06:23 root [INFO]: Saving inventory to local configuration directory
07/29/2023 18:06:23 root [INFO]: Start to upload patch compliance.
07/29/2023 18:06:23 root [INFO]: Summary: {'ContentHash': '9cc2f407869c08a771c9d7e42ce42eb82db2a1c500078ecc974b6a615ac2b02c', 'TypeName': 'AWS:PatchSummary', 'SchemaVersion': '1.0', 'CaptureTime': '2023-07-29T18:06:23Z', 'Content': [{'OperationStartTime': '2023-07-29T18:05:01Z', 'BaselineId': u'pb-0e361d625a5f7789d', 'InstalledPendingRebootCount': '0', 'FailedCount': '0', 'MissingCount': '0', 'NotApplicableCount': '21715', 'RebootOption': u'RebootIfNeeded', 'OperationEndTime': '2023-07-29T18:06:23Z', 'SecurityNonCompliantCount': '0', 'PatchGroup': u'Prod-V4', 'ExecutionId': '5fd74d0d-0e01-4da5-a9a8-ea408e9eb570', 'InstalledRejectedCount': '0', 'OtherNonCompliantCount': '0', 'InstalledOtherCount': '16', 'CriticalNonCompliantCount': '0', 'SnapshotId': u'844701c1-40a3-4e96-9b9f-044b4c2810ca', 'InstalledCount': '491', 'OperationType': u'Install'}]}
07/29/2023 18:06:23 root [INFO]: Attempting full upload
07/29/2023 18:06:23 root [INFO]: Upload complete.
07/29/2023 18:06:23 root [INFO]: Report upload successful.
07/29/2023 18:06:23 root [INFO]: Inventory upload was successful.
07/29/2023 18:06:23 root [INFO]: Reboot is not required
07/29/2023 18:06:23 root [INFO]: Inventory upload was successful.
07/29/2023 18:06:23 root [INFO]: Reboot is not required

AWS Console with no data

This seems to have started in July, as I can see one of my VM has a report date of 2023-07-04 2:13:48 AM and it is the last one. The other VMs are elastic beanstalk instances, so they get rebuild often.

質問済み 1年前280ビュー

Issue resolved itself after contacting paid support.

Troubleshooting steps from AWS: 2] I can confirm the same from our internal tools "i-" "i-" shows zero patches,

  • Checking 'AWS-RunPatchBaseline' executions, against these target instances reported executed successfully.

  • Reviewing the stdout logs for i-*****************:

08/04/2023 06:21:21 root [INFO]: Summary: {'ContentHash': '3515510bff85ff31b28e8cd913ba517a1be8a30c160321715bb6fc1de600bbc9', 'TypeName': 'AWS:PatchSummary', 'SchemaVersion': '1.0', 'CaptureTime': '2023-08-04T06:21:20Z', 'Content': [{'OperationStartTime': '2023-08-04T06:19:55Z', 'BaselineId': u'pb-05dd323b4921148bc', 'InstalledPendingRebootCount': '0', 'FailedCount': '0', 'MissingCount': '0', 'NotApplicableCount': '21764', 'RebootOption': u'RebootIfNeeded', 'OperationEndTime': '2023-08-04T06:21:20Z', 'SecurityNonCompliantCount': '0', 'PatchGroup': u'Dev-V4', 'ExecutionId': '0a12ca7d-0e27-4b64-92f7-1af8a1a3956b', 'InstalledRejectedCount': '0', 'OtherNonCompliantCount': '0', 'InstalledOtherCount': '15', 'CriticalNonCompliantCount': '0', 'SnapshotId': u'c849638d-57bc-4a4a-a2c8-932e6eed7ac3', 'InstalledCount': '483', 'OperationType': u'Install'}]}
08/04/2023 06:21:21 root [INFO]: Report is unchanged, attempting partial upload
08/04/2023 06:21:21 root [INFO]: Upload complete.
08/04/2023 06:21:21 root [INFO]: Report upload successful.
08/04/2023 06:21:21 root [INFO]: Inventory upload was successful.
08/04/2023 06:21:21 root [INFO]: Reboot is not required
08/04/2023 06:21:21 root [INFO]: Inventory upload was successful.
  • We can observe patching task was done and compliance information was uploaded successfully. Compliance information is uploaded via PutInventory API call. Looking at cloudtrail logs 'PutInventory API' calls are successful. [1]
回答済み 10ヶ月前

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