Dynamo Delete Item based on ConditionExpression


Hi everyone,

I have been having some issues with deleting an item when pasing ConditionExpressions. This is my params that is passed into the DeleteCommand. I am expecting this to delete the Item below, but everytime, I have been getting ConditionalCheckFailedException: The conditional request failed error.

const input: DeleteCommandInput = { TableName: 'TABLE_NAME', ConditionExpression: 'PK = :v1 and begins_with(SK, :v2)', ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':v1': 'USER#0ee34e40-c739-4bbd-b72b-9361a54db2b5#STUDENT#111', ':v2': 'TEST#414fbe9f-1675-47a1-9c3d-f40cb7a25c51', }, Key: { PK: 'USER#0ee34e40-c739-4bbd-b72b-9361a54db2b5#STUDENT#111', SK: 'TEST#414fbe9f-1675-47a1-9c3d-f40cb7a25c51', }, };

This is a sample of the Item that I would like to delete. As you can see, PK = "USER#0ee34e40-c739-4bbd-b72b-9361a54db2b5#STUDENT#111", which is an exact of PK that I am passing in as :v1 and PK above. SK = TEST#414fbe9f-1675-47a1-9c3d-f40cb7a25c51#DATE#1700671174102", which starts with what I passed in above too.

{ "PK": "USER#0ee34e40-c739-4bbd-b72b-9361a54db2b5#STUDENT#111", "SK": "TEST#414fbe9f-1675-47a1-9c3d-f40cb7a25c51#DATE#1700671174102", "GSI1PK": "USER#0ee34e40-c739-4bbd-b72b-9361a54db2b5#FORM#E26", "GSI1SK": "TEST#414fbe9f-1675-47a1-9c3d-f40cb7a25c51#DATE#1700671174102", "type": "ACT", "id": "414fbe9f-1675-47a1-9c3d-f40cb7a25c51", "formId": "E26", "classId": "123", "className": "class1", "studentId": "111", "studentName": "student1", "userId": "0ee34e40-c739-4bbd-b72b-9361a54db2b5", "createdAt": "2023-09-09T23:30:50.565Z" }

Any one have any ideas why this is failing to match? Love to get some suggestions.

Thank you!

質問済み 6ヶ月前388ビュー

Not answering the question but why use the PK and SK as the conditions? You're already supplying them as part of the DeleteItem call - you don't need to further specify them as conditions. Conditions are there so that you can specify other attributes in the record.

profile pictureAWS
回答済み 6ヶ月前
profile pictureAWS
レビュー済み 6ヶ月前
  • Oh because in the table I have SK as TEST#414fbe9f-1675-47a1-9c3d-f40cb7a25c51#DATE#1700671174102 (composed of testId and Date) and I would like to find SK that begins with TEST#414fbe9f-1675-47a1-9c3d-f40cb7a25c51 (testId only).

    Is this the wrong way about deleting an item? Just want to delete an item that matches PK and SK that starts with something.

  • Just found out that I can't do ConditionExpression of PK and SK. Thank you for the clue


While it is possible to use ConditionExpressions with a DeleteItem, I believe your understanding on how it works is wrong. When using a ConditionExpression on a Put/Delete/Update you only evaluate the item which you are operating on, DynamoDB does not look at any other items in the table.

This is the reason why begins_with(SK, :v2) is giving you issues. You already know the sort key begins with that, so there is no need for the condition.

profile pictureAWS
回答済み 6ヶ月前

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