How to link AWS SQS queue to push for API integration and IoT.


Hi everyone,

I am trying to link a switchboard that pushes the data gathered to the AWS SQS, to an API platform from where the users will be able to monitor the data in real-time (e.g. digital twin).

Previously, I was able to link these devices via the MQTT Broker with RabbitMQ MQTT broker installed. Now, I am trying to do the same with the switchboard linked as above and edit the script accordingly for this case study. I appreciate your advice and help! Thanks in advance!

the previous script was as follow:

  1. Create the container: sudo docker run --hostname navvis-rabbitmq --name navvis-rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -p 1883:1883 -p 15675:15675 -td rabbitmq:3

Copy 2. Enter the container terminal: sudo docker exec -it navvis-rabbitmq bash

Copy 3. Enable required plugins: rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_web_mqtt

Copy 4. Exit the container terminal: exit

Copy 5. Create a new file named rabbitmq.conf. loopback_users.guest = false listeners.tcp.default = 5672 management.tcp.port = 15672

mqtt.listeners.tcp.default = 1883

Default MQTT with TLS port is 8883

mqtt.listeners.ssl.default = 8883

anonymous connections, if allowed, will use the default

credentials specified here

mqtt.allow_anonymous = true mqtt.default_user = guest mqtt.default_pass = guest

mqtt.vhost = / = amq.topic

24 hours by default

mqtt.subscription_ttl = 86400000 mqtt.prefetch = 10

Copy 6. Replace the config file in the container with the new config file: sudo docker cp rabbitmq.conf navvis-rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq/



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