cdk destroy deleting the stacks from cdk.out/manifest.json not my stage stacks


Hello AWS Community,

in my team we have just on AWS Account, and that way we deploy th PreProdand ro stages in tghe same account. the Problem is: i wanant to delete all stacks produced through the **PreProd **stage before moving to the **Pre **stage because of duplicat names ... etc.

i tried using the command

cdk destroy --app 'npx ts-node ./bin/AutBusBackend.ts' --all --force"

but the destroy here is deleting the stacks without the prefix Pre, and in this time we don't have anway this stacks.

Do you know how can i get ride of this problem to delete the stacks that are preduced in the current stage before and not the default stacks names in cdk.out ?

here is my pipeline code

   const repo = codecommit.Repository.fromRepositoryName(this, 'AutbusBackendRepo', 'AutbusBackend');

        const pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, 'AutBusPipeline', {
            pipelineName: 'AutBusPipeline',
            synth: new ShellStep('Synth', {
                input: CodePipelineSource.codeCommit(repo, 'master'),
                commands: [
                    'npm install -g npm',
                    'npm install',
                    'npm ci',
                    'npm run build',
                    'npm run cdk -- synth'
        const preProd = pipeline.addStage(new AppStage(this, 'PreProd',{ 
                env: {
                    account: account,
                    region: region

        const step1 = new ShellStep('IntegrationTesting', {
            commands: [
                'npm install',
                'npm test'

        const step2 = new ManualApprovalStep('Manual approval before Prod');

        const step3 = new ShellStep('Delete deployed Stacks', {
            commands: [
                'npm install',
                'npm install -g aws-cdk',
                "cdk destroy --app 'npx ts-node ./bin/AutBusBackend.ts' --all --force"

        // step2.addStepDependency(step1);
        // step3.addStepDependency(step2);
        // preProd.addPost(step3);
        // preProd.addPost(step2);
        // preProd.addPost(step1);

        const prodStage = pipeline.addStage(new AppStage(this, 'Prod', {
            env: {
                account: account,
                region: region

Thanks in adavance for any new insiring idea


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